Trinisphere and delve are interesting companions. Delve is pretty much the only way to "fool" Trinisphere into letting you cast a spell by paying less than 3 actual mana, because delve lets you pay "exile a card from your graveyard" instead of {1} while making payments!
Tag: Trinisphere
Engineered Explosives and additional costs (e.g., Thalia or Trinisphere)
Sunburst is a fairly unique ability. As a permanent with Sunburst enters the battlefield, Sunburst checks to see what mana was paid when casting the spell, regardless of what the cost was for. So if you want to cast when your opponent controls , you can choose any value for X, pay 1 additional for […]
How Trinisphere works with Phyrexian Mana.
Whenever I’m asked about cost reductions/increases, especially in the flurry of questions about it thanks to a newly spoiled card from the Izzet vs. Golgari decks, a joke I like to use is ʺApply increases, then reductions, then .ʺ Trinisphere is really the only card that does what it does, and it seems to be […]
Most tapped artifacts do not ‘turn off.’
When Magic was first created, tapped artifacts ‘turned off’ and their static abilities did not apply. This was obviously changed a long time ago when the 6th Edition were released. Now there are only a few artifacts whose effects ‘turn off’ when they are tapped, but they explicitly say so in their rules text. Some […]