Delve vs. Stubborn Denial

As you may know, Delve and Convoke’s basic workings were changed with the rules updates for Magic 2014. Previously, they were simply ways to reduce costs before you paid them; nowadays, the Delving/Convoking is a payment! The only real difference, functionality-wise, is that you can no longer “over-delve” or “over-convoke”- since it’s a payment, at […]

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Courser of Kruphix: Denying Land Drops

And now we close out the week with anti-synergy: messing with your opponent’s plays! We all know that is just a circus of value- it helps you fix your land drops if you’ve got none in hand (or just lets you bluff that the three Forests in your hand are actually useful calls without missing […]

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Prerelease Primer: Dash

Welcome back to our Fate Reforged Prerelease Primer! Today we’ll be covering the Mardu’s new (or old, because time travel is weird like that) mechanic: Dash. Raid rewarded you for being aggressive before casting your spells- Dash works well with that, because it makes sure you’re attacking! Dash is an alternate cost (usually a cheaper […]

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Courser of Kruphix and Drawing Multiple Cards

So, we’ve covered a couple of situations where YOU know what the top few cards of your library are, but your opponent doesn’t, even with on board. Today, we’re covering a situation where Courser makes information a little more symmetrical- drawing many cards! With Scry and and things like that, your top card only actually […]

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