You can’t take 4 for Vexing Devil if there’s a Torpor Orb around.

is a strange and unique card. It makes things that normally happen simply not happen. So abilities that you might really want to trigger from a creature entering the battlefield… won’t. It will shut down your life gain from (but doesn’t stop persist) or your card draw from . But it also works the other […]

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Torpor Orb doesn’t stop Clone effects or other ʺas this entersʺ abilities.

As Scars of Mirrodin’s time in Standard is coming to a close, it seems fitting to give a final hurrah to one of the most confusing cards in the block: ! This confusion can be attributed mostly to the difficulty people have in understanding the difference between triggered and static abilities, but once you know […]

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Torpor Orb’s ability prevents ALL creature entering the battlefield triggered abilities.

‘s ability prevents any abilities from triggering when a creatures enters the battlefield. At first look this seems to be pretty basic and straightforward, but there are a few things to be aware of. First of all, the easy part, when a creature enters the battlefield its enters the battlefield ability will not trigger. These […]

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