How Epic Experiment does (and doesn’t) interact with Goblin Electromancer.

is pretty epic, like a for instants and sorceries. So, again we dredge up the way X spells work with . You decide what X is before you actually pay for the spell, so Electromancer essentially gives you a ‘free’ point to X. If you only have 3 Mountains and 3 Islands with your Electromancer […]

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You can’t use Overload with Flashback or Cascade.

New sets always bring new mechanics, and with the Izzet, I was looking forward to getting something for my Commander deck. Imagine my disappointment when I saw Overload! See, when you use an ability like cascade or flashback to cast a spell from a place you normally couldn’t, what you’re doing is casting it for […]

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Engineered Explosives and additional costs (e.g., Thalia or Trinisphere)

Sunburst is a fairly unique ability. As a permanent with Sunburst enters the battlefield, Sunburst checks to see what mana was paid when casting the spell, regardless of what the cost was for. So if you want to cast when your opponent controls , you can choose any value for X, pay 1 additional for […]

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