Kalitas Week! Who Gets The Tokens?

Good morning and welcome to Kalitas Week here at the Rules Tip Blog. We’ve been noticing an awful lot of questions about the new popping up, so we thought we’d take a whole week to address just questions about Kalitas. Kalitas’ has an ability that sets up a replacement effect: it replaces one event (in […]

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Awaken: One Land, or Many!

Welcome back to the Rules Tips Blog! This week we’ll be discussing the new mechanics from Battle for Zendikar, starting with Awaken today! Awaken is an alternate cost found on Instant and Sorcery spells, costing more than the ‘normal’ cost. If you cast the spell for the alternate “Awaken” cost, you get the added effect […]

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Guile vs. Remand

Since we’re on the topic of odd Modern interactions, let’s propose that a player controls Guile and casts in an attempt to take an opponent’s spell. Both and Guile have replacement effects that affect the spell in question, so which effect wins? In short, Guile’s effect will override , because Remand never actually counters the […]

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Temporal Trespass And Rebound

Rebound is always great fun (for the player using it at least!)- you get double the spell, after all. Generally that doubling is factored into the cost, but when you use something like to apply Rebound to ‘normal’ spells, things can get pretty crazy. Who wouldn’t want to double up on their s or their […]

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