Transformers! How to transform Nissa.

Hi everyone, and we’re back! Let’s get right to it and talk about our final creature/planeswalker, Nissa! Nissa, Vastwood Seer will transform into Nissa, Sage Animist, if you play a land and you control seven or more lands after that land has entered the battlefield. This trigger checks the number of lands you control at […]

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Transformers! How to transform Chandra.

Hi everyone, and welcome back. Let’s dive right in today, and talk about today’s creature/planeswalker, Chandra. Chandra, Fire of Kaladesh is able to transform into Chandra, Roaring Flame if you activate Chandra’s activated ability and have dealt 3 or more damage with Chandra this turn. Note that this doesn’t just count damage from Chandra’s activated […]

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Transformers! How to transform Kytheon/Gideon

Welcome back. I know, it’s weird. It’s the weekend, and we’re updating! It’s not what you’re used up. But creatures transforming into planeswalkers is also weird, and we’re just so excited about these new planeswalkers that we want to talk about them But enough about that, let’s talk about Kytheon, Hero of Akros. Or, as […]

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