What you can do when you have two Dangerous Wagers in hand.

Two in han…: seems pretty useless, right? Well, not necessarily. Dangerous Wager is an instant, so you can cast it in response to an opponent’s spell; but what many players don’t realize is that you can cast spells in response to your own spells as well! After a player casts a spell, priority is given […]

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Redirect can’t change the target of Oblivion Ring.

Oblivion. Such a fun word. I use to send your permanent into OBLIVION! It’s only natural to want to protect your permanents from this very popular enchantment. While there are lots of -style ways to get your toys back, wouldn’t it be more fun to simply use and send THEIR permanent into OBLIVION? Let’s look […]

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You can animate your Inkmoth Nexus in time to cast a miraculous Revenge of the Hunted on it.

More Miracles! A frequent question about Miracles with targets is WHEN they target. For today’s question, more specifically, we’ll look at and . I’ve heard a few people think that if you top-deck Revenge, you won’t have ‘time’ to animate Nexus to get the buff. However, this is incorrect. You don’t pick a target for […]

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How your Consecrated Sphinx interacts with your opponent’s Miracle.

What happens when your opponent draws a card with miracle while control a ? If he or she chooses to reveal it, a couple things happen. Both the miracle ability and Consecrated Sphinx’s ability trigger, and they’re put on the stack in active player/nonactive player order (meaning the nonactive player’s ability goes on the stack […]

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Mental Misstep won’t stop a Miracle.

So, I’ve had some interesting questions come up regarding Miracles, but one that I’ve heard more than the others is what their converted mana cost (CMC) is. Usually it’s because of someone windmill slamming a topdecked , or , or for their Miracle cost, and someone else trying to stop it with . After all, […]

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A spell that can’t be countered can still be targeted by a counterspell.

This was already something that came up now and then with , and in days past with , but it’s popping up more because of and all the fun it entails. The question: “Can you aim a counterspell at one of these things? It doesn’t do anything!” Well, ‘can’t be countered’ doesn’t mean you can’t […]

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Alchemist’s Refuge has no interaction with Birthing Pod.

has a nifty ability that changes the timing restrictions on when you can cast spells. For example, it lets you cast sorcery spells on your opponent’s turn, or in response to another spell. However, Alchemist’s Refuge doesn’t change the timing restrictions on when you can activate abilities. This can get confusing if you have a […]

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Divine Deflection only has one target: where the damage will be dealt.

is a card that suffers from “wall of text” syndrome. It does a few different things all at the same time, so it’s easy to get confused. The most important thing to remember is that Divine Deflection requires you to choose only one target. Don’t choose your own creature! (Unless you want it to die). […]

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Second Guess can counter the second spell cast in a turn, no matter who cast the first spell.

At first glance, doesn’t seem too exciting, but it is not as narrow as you might think. It only needs you to use it correctly, and maybe some shenanigans involving other spells. As you may know, Second Guess can counter a spell if it was the second spell cast this turn, but it doesn’t care […]

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