Creatures can regenerate when destroyed by Phyrexian Rebirth.

As has been mentioned before, cards only do what they specifically state. does destroy all creatures in play, but it does not say that these creatures cannot be regenerated. Therefore, creatures can regenerate and end up ‘surviving’ the Rebirth. Creatures that do end up regenerating will not be counted as destroyed and will not factor […]

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How Inkmoth Nexus and Tezzeret, Agent of Bolas interact.

One area of player confusion is how multiple abilities that ‘animate’ a permanent interact. A very common interaction that has come up a lot lately deals with ‘ animation ability and the planeswalker second activated ability. In order to get this ball rolling, you must first use Inkmoth Nexus’ ability to turn the Nexus into […]

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Attacking creatures only exist after attackers are declared.

‘s last ability gives +1/+0 to all attacking creatures. This ability will only affect those creatures that are attacking when this activated ability resolves. If this ability is played and resolves in the first main phase of a turn, it will effectively not do anything as there are not any attacking creatures yet. One other […]

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Elvish Archdruid’s +1/+1 ability doesn’t affect itself.

‘s static ability that gives Elves +1/+1 does not affect the Elvish Archdruid itself. This is because the ability specifically states that ‘other Elf creatures get +1/+1.’ However, when an object refers to itself by name it means that object only, unless specified. This means that with two Elvish Archdruids in play, each will give […]

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